One of the best things about my wife Jamie is that she is an amazing cook. However, she has been cycling through quite a few herb plants in the kitchen and I knew it was mostly do to lack of sunlight. So, as my contribution to the kitchen, I decided to build her a wall planter just outside the kitchen door in the sunroom where it would get a few hours of sun each day. I choose to build it out of cedar because of it’s natural resistance to rot. Watering the soil in these planters will certainly create the optimal conditions for rotting wood. I hope you enjoy this build and to get the free plans head on over to the How-To I just posted on Ryobi Nation.
For sneak peeks of our upcoming projects be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Also, follow me on Pinterest to get tons of projects plans from all around the web!
Hang the wall planter and you’re done
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As always, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment below and especially don’t forget to post pictures of your finished products in the comments! ENJOY!