Kids Desk

DIY Kids Desk Plans Rogue Engineer 1

With the current state of our kids’ school year (cancelled), we decided it best to keep them on the learning track. To do so, we needed to build a desk for our 6 year old daughter. We had some plywood laying around so this is what we came up with. If you are interested in the knockdown stool, check out those plans over here.

Time to Complete

1 Day

Estimated Cost


Skill Level


Printable PDF


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DIY Kids Desk Plans Dimensions

Time needed: 1 day

The plans below detail how to cut and assemble a desk that is suited for a 5-10 year old child.

  1. Cut List

    DIY Kids Desk Plans Cut List

  2. Mitering the Top and Sides

    DIY Kids Desk Plans Step 1

  3. Assembling the Box

    DIY Kids Desk Plans Step 2

  4. Installing the Bottom

    DIY Kids Desk Plans Step 3

  5. Edge Banding the Front

    DIY Kids Desk Plans Step 3a

  6. Assembling the Legs

    DIY Kids Desk Plans Step 4

  7. Apply Finish

    If you plan on applying a two tone finish like we did, now is the time. When painting bare wood, apply a primer first. For the paint color we went with French Blue.

    Screen Shot 2020 04 03 at 5.19.56 PM

    As for the box and desk portion, we simply applied a few coats of spray polyurethane, with a light sanding in between. For that I recommend a fine sanding sponge, steel wool or

    Screen Shot 2020 04 03 at 5.21.13 PM

  8. Attaching the Legs

    Position the box on top leg as shown. Make sure the legs are level by measuring the distance from the bottom of the leg to the box and make sure each leg is the same distance from the box.

    DIY Kids Desk Plans Step 5

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